Onasadhya In A Box In Chennai & Bengaluru + Recipes For Rest of India

Sambar is a staple dish of the South Indian cuisines, each with its own subtle nuances. Kerala-style sambar is made with a mix of vegetables, toor dal …

from Google Alert – indian recipes https://ift.tt/3CN29a1

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I am a self-proclaimed Champion Cook, who gets the confidence to call myself that way from the love and praises showered upon me by my family consisting of a Cute little Daughter and a husband who loves the Internet more than me (LoL..) and who incidentally happens to be the man behind the technical aspects of my blog. I love working from home and the benefits that come from it and that is what prompted me to start my own Blog at http://thetastesofindia.com where I document all my adventures with cooking. Follow me on my journey..

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